Perhaps you can tell by the level of detail in the art that I’ve been under a bit of stress lately. Somehow I’m looking forward to Spring this year, even with my allergies! Want more comics about fantasy? >>Click Here!<<
Posts Tagged fantasy
I managed to secure a table for at least 4 different comic conventions this year. I might do a few more. Either way, I have to draw a lot more.
I have a bad habit of stretching small bits of work over long periods of time. Having “create a backlog of comics” as a personal goal goes a long way in mitigating this tendency.
I wrote the joke first, and added the medieval fantasy setting afterward, on whim. Just now I realized that “if I’m not back in 83 years, assume that I’m dead” is actually something you might say to an elf or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If it wasn’t already abundantly clear, there’s almost nothing I enjoy drawing more than monsters. If every single one of my comics could contain nothing but different creature designs that would be great. Unfortunately, I can’t commit to making a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Good news everyone! My Kickstarter has reached its funding goal! That doesn’t mean we’ve finished though. I’ll be adding stretch goals some time tomorrow. Make sure you stop by and reserve your copy ASAP, especially if you’re interested in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…