Posts Tagged unnumbered
Two comics a week is beginning to lose its novelty for me. I’ll probably go back to the old schedule pretty soon. Sometime early December, probably.
Sorry that updates have been so sparse lately. My schedules been pretty shaken up lately, and that’s not about to change, so this kind of irregularity is probably going to continue for the next few weeks. A new update schedule[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I went to the New York Comic Con this past weekend. It was a lot of fun, so I’m looking forward to next year.
Well this is late. Sorry about that. I decided to go digital for some boneheaded reason, completely forgetting how slow the whole process is for me. Unfortunately, there won’t be another comic this week, since I’m so busy right now,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hooray, it’s October, my favorite month of the year. There’s just so many great things about October: Halloween, NY Comic Con, my birthday… the list goes on and on. Hopefully I’ll be passing some of my happiness onto you, in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Better late than never! …right? What is National Novel Writing Month, anyway? Love these characters? You can find every comic in their story by following this link: Aria and Aadidev
The aardvark’s name is Aadidev. I haven’t given the girl a name yet, though. So it goes. UPDATE: The girl’s name is “Aria” Love these characters? You can find every comic in their story by following this link: Aria and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…